Blue shark
Dan Bolt

Marine Life in Kent

From jellyfish to marine mammals, explore the wildlife on Kent's coast, learn to identify them and find out how you can help to protect them.

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Grey seal pup
Andrew Mustard

Marine Mammals in Kent

Information page

Discover the wonderful marine mammals that visit our shores and call them home. Learn to identify them in our handy species explorer.

Beadlet anemone
Mark Thomas

Anemones and Corals in Kent

Information page

Discover the wonderful marine mammals that visit our shores and call them home. Learn to identify them in our handy species explorer.

A compass jellyfish (Chrysaora hysoscella) swims over a rocky reef, Plymouth, Devon, England. English Channel.
Alexander Mustard

Jellyfish in Kent

Information page

Probably some of the most alluring marine creatures, jellyfish can be found in our Kent coastline and sometimes even washed up on our shores. Learn about them and how to identify them using our guides.

Sand mason worm
Nigel Phillips

Marine Worms in Kent

Information page

Providing fertility and life to the ocean floor, discover the diversity of worm species living in our seas using our handy species identification guides!

Painted topshell
Painted topshell ©P. Lightfoot

Sea Snails and Sea Slugs in Kent

Information page

Way more colourful and exciting than our land slugs and snails! Visit the world of sea slugs and snails, learn about them and how to identify them in our species explorer.

Razor shell
Razor shell ©Tom Hibbert

Bivalves in Kent

Information page

The bivalves are a highly successful marine freshwater molluscs such as oysters and scallops. Learn about the species in Kent and how to identify them.

Common Cuttlefish
Common Cuttlefish ©Alex Mustard/2020VISION

Squid, Octopus & Cuttlefish in Kent

Information page

Hugely intelligent marine species that are worth getting to know! Learn about the species we have on our Kent coast and how to identify them in our species explorer.

Hermit Crab
Hermit Crab ©Alex Mustard/2020VISION

Crustaceans in Kent

Information page

Discover the many water-dwelling arthropods that call Kent's shores their home using our handy species guides. Lobsters, crabs, prawns and more.

Bloody Henry starfish
Bloody Henry starfish ©Polly Whyte/Earth in Focus

Starfish and Sea Urchins in Kent

Information page

Use our species explorer to identify and learn out about the starfish and sea urchins that live in the coastal waters around Kent.

Bluefin tuna
Joe Pender

Fish in Kent

Information page

Discover some of our fish species including sharks, rays and skates. Life under our oceans is magical so take the time to discover the species in Kent and learn about them through our guides.

Common eelgrass
Common eelgrass ©Paul Naylor

Seaweeds and Seagrasses in Kent

Information page

Learn about all the shapes, colours and forms of seaweeds and seagrasses in Kent using our handy species explorer guides.

Star ascidian
Wembury Marine Centre

Sponges and Sea Squirts in Kent

Information page

Unbelievable and beautiful. See some of the sponges and sea squirts that live in our oceans using our species explorer guides.

Portuguese man o' war
Matt Slater

Colonial Creatures in Kent

Information page

Did you know there are amazing creatures that work together to form a colony, living and thriving as a single unit? What are these fascinating beings and what do they look like? Find out more in our guides below.