What's On

Fill your days with wild activities from Kent Wildlife Trust events and courses, to ideas for walks and family-friendly things to make and build. Take a look below and find something that's right for you or subscribe to our once a month events newsletter to stay tuned on all upcoming events.

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Group of people following a tour guide on a Wilder Blean Safari

Wilder Kent Safaris

Visit beautiful nature reserves and uncover their stories with the people who know them best

Education team at Kent Wildlife showing a child how to pond dip

Wilder Holiday Club

With a range of dates available throughout the summer holidays, there's an adventure waiting for every child at Wilder Holiday Club.

Young fly agaric mushrooms on leaf litter in the woodland - Tim Horton

Study Days

Nature is in trouble! Discover how you can protect wildlife for the future by attending one of our Study Days.

forest school

Forest School

Students develop skills whilst increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world, encouraging respect for their environment and re-connection with nature.

Woodland Party

Birthday Parties

At Kent Wildlife Trust, we want to make your outdoor birthday celebrations extra special. That is why we have created two different party styles, and a variety of themes, to ensure there’s something for everyone!

Team Building Day group photo

Team Building Days

Give your team the opportunity to get outside, explore nature, give back and create lasting memories together by taking part in Corporate Team Days with Kent Wildlife Trust.

Upcoming Events

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©Derek Moore

Autumn Migration in North Kent


Observe and find out how to identify wetland birds. Discover how birds navigate during autumn migration and learn about the remarkable journeys they make.

beaver ham fen swimming terry whittaker

A morning at Ham Fen


Learn about wilding and how keystone species have been restoring Kent's last remaining Fen.

An Introduction to Sedges and Rushes


Learn more about the sedges and rushes - plant species which are found in many of our wilder, unimproved habitats but are often unfairly dismissed or overlooked.

©Philip Precey

Grasses for Beginners


Did you know that there are over 150 species of native grasses in Britain? Come along and learn how to identify some of the most common species.

beaver ham fen swimming terry whittaker

A morning at Ham Fen


Learn about wilding and how keystone species have been restoring Kent's last remaining Fen.

Longfield Chalk Bank Common Lizard
Greg Hitchcock

Reptile Ecology and Survey Techniques


Identify and learn about reptile requirements. Then search for them in Vinters Valley Nature Reserve, a nature reserve nearby

Broad-leaved Trees in Spring


Make a start on identifying these notoriously difficult yet intriguing, beautiful and environmentally sensitive plants.

Lichens for beginners


Make a start on identifying these notoriously difficult yet intriguing, beautiful and environmentally sensitive plants.

Responsible Beginners' Beekeeping


An introductory course for anyone interested in learning more about bees and the craft of beekeeping.

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Herb garden illustration

Grow wildlife-friendly herbs

Information page

Planting herbs will attract important pollinators into your garden, which will, in turn, attract birds and small mammals looking for a meal.

contact mp illustration

Contact your MP

Information page

By writing to your MP or meeting them in person, you can help them to understand more about a local nature issue you care passionately about.