Portuguese man o' war
Matt Slater

Colonial Creatures in Kent

Did you know there are amazing creatures that work together to form a colony, living and thriving as a single unit? What are these fascinating beings and what do they look like? Find out more in our guides below.

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These mysterious and beautiful creatures rely on warm ocean currents to ‘sail’ them around the world... not a bad life?

Sea mat


These mat like growths found on kelp and seaweed are actually colonies of tiny individuals animals.



Hornwrack is often found washed up on our beaches, with many believing that it is dried seaweed. In fact, it is a colony of animals!

Portuguese Man O'War


Despite appearances, this weird and wonderful creature is not a jellyfish! They're sometimes found washed up on our shores after westerly winds. Look but don't touch - they give a very nasty sting.