Common Cuttlefish
Common Cuttlefish ©Alex Mustard/2020VISION

Squid, Octopus & Cuttlefish in Kent

Hugely intelligent marine species that are worth getting to know! Learn about the species we have on our Kent coast and how to identify them in our species explorer.

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Common cuttlefish


Cuttlefish are related to squids and octopuses – a group of molluscs known as cephalopods. You may have seen the chalky internal shell, called a cuttlebone washed up on beaches around the UK. These are often used in budgie cages, as a calcium-rich dietary…

Little Cuttlefish


This little cuttlefish really lives up to its name - it only reaches about 5cm long!

Common octopus


The common octopus is a highly intelligent, active predator. It even has a secret weapon - special glands produce a venom that it uses to incapacitate its prey!

Common squid


The common squid is a weird and wonderful predator found all around our coasts.