Grey seal pup
Andrew Mustard

Marine Mammals in Kent

Discover the wonderful marine mammals that visit our shores and call them home. Learn to identify them in our handy species explorer.

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Common Seal pup sleeping on the beach
©Jamie Hall

Common seal


The smaller of our two UK seal species, common seals are also known as harbour seals. Despite being called "Common", they are actually less common than grey seals!

Grey seal


Have you ever seen the curious face of a grey seal bobbing in the waves when visiting the beach? Grey seals can be seen lying on beaches waiting for their food to go down. Sometimes they are accompanied by their white fluffy seal pups that look like balls…

Bottlenose dolphin


Bottlenose dolphins in British waters are the biggest of their kind – they need to be able to cope with our chilly waters! They are very sociable and will happily swim alongside boats, providing people on the boat a wonderful wildlife experience.

Harbour porpoise


Despite being a little shy, these amazing marine mammals can be spotted close to shore in shallow waters. If you do get close, keep an eye out for the loud ‘chuff’ noise they make as they come to the surface to breathe!

Common dolphin


These energetic dolphins are often spotted in large groups which will approach boats, bowriding and leaping alongside. At sea, they can form superpods - huge groups made up of thousands of individuals!

Orca swimming in the ocean with its fin and body partially above water
© Gillian Day



Orca, sometimes known as ‘killer whales’, are unmistakable with their black and white markings. Although we do have a small group of orca who live in British waters, you would be lucky to see them!

Minke whale


The UK's smallest whale, the minke whale, is notoriously inquisitive around boats and is even known to breach clear of the water. Beware though - their fragrant breath has given them the nickname Stinky Minkes!

Risso’s dolphin


Risso’s dolphins are mysterious creatures usually only found in deep, offshore waters.