Habitat Management

Kent Wildlife Trust has produced a set of habitat management advice leaflets, funded by Arcadia. Please download these below.

Land Management Advice

Kent Wildlife Trust Consultants are often called upon to provide habitat management advice to groups or individuals. For sites where the management is likely to be complex, or for organisations where there are likely to be frequent changes in staff, the best way of providing management advice is usually through the provision of a written management plan.

This practical document aims to gather together all available environmental information about the site and constructs a work programme of practical tasks that will maintain or enhance the nature conservation of the site. A management plan usually covers a five-to-ten year period and will be written in a style to suit the needs of the individual client.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are always pleased to provide a no-obligation quotation.

If you are a farmer or an owner of a Local Wildlife Site, you are likely to benefit from a visit by one of our land management advisors. These advisors are able to offer specialist advice including the preparation of Environmental Stewardship applications, Farm Environment Plans and Woodland Grant Scheme applications. 

Learn more about our Professional Consultancy Services
