Old people walking in nature

Leave a Gift in Your Will

Did you know you can leave just 1% to Kent Wildlife Trust in your Will? This could make a huge difference to wildlife in Kent and means your loved ones receive 99%

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Do something incredible to protect Kent’s wildlife

Gifts in wills can help us with our vision to create a greener and wilder Kent for future generations. Our dream is to protect more land for wildlife and bring back species lost to the countryside long ago. It’s so easy to leave a gift in your Will, but the impact your gift could have is extraordinary.

Imagine a Kent with more space given over to wildlife. We have already reintroduced the beaver, and you could help us bring back species like the pine marten, crane and red squirrel. You can help inspire this vision of a wilder Kent with a gift in your will.

We liked the fact that our money would be used to help protect wildlife in our local area, and there was a sense that we were doing our bit to protect the environment for future generations to come.
Neil Whyte, Member and Legacy Pledger

What we can achieve with your support

It wouldn't have been possible to work in the way that we have over the last 60 years without the kindness of people leaving us gifts in their wills. Many of our much-loved reserves have been purchased entirely, or partially with these gifts; these include Nashenden, Burham, and Tyland Barn.

Future gifts allow us to continue to purchase new land, and restore and manage our current reserves now and into the future.

Your gift could also be used to help wilding- bringing back the chough to Dover, red squirrels and pine marten to the Blean, and beaver across our waterways. With this, you can help create a Wilder Kent for the future.

Please get in touch to find out more about how to leave a gift in your will to Kent Wildlife Trust, or to discuss how we could use your gift.

Find out more about how we're run


How to leave a legacy

The only thing you need to leave a Gift in your Will to a charity is a registered address and charity number.


Kent Wildlife Trust
Tyland Barn
ME14 3BD

Registered Charity No: 239992

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