Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Food and Farming Groundswell sign

A groundswell of support for regenerative agriculture

Groundswell Agriculture Festival is the UK’s largest event dedicated to farming that regenerates the soil and restores nature. It’s a unique blend of industry conference and lively festival. This year, I took the plunge, braved the camping, and immersed myself in two days of inspiring talks and networking.

Nature Reserves

September on Hothfield Heathlands

Margery Thomas, Hothfield Volunteer and regular columnist looks at the lack of butterfly sightings in recent months, the work volunteers are doing to remove bracken and how this all impact the wider management of the last remaining fragments of heathland we have left in Kent.


Three BIG reasons why woodlands are so important

Matt Huggins explores why our woodlands are an important part of our landscape, looking at how they give back to nature and to us. As our woodlands are under threat, it's more important than ever to preserve what's left and fight to keep them alive. Will you join us in saving our woodlands?

Talk on the Wild Side St Clement's churchyard volunteers posing with rob smith for the talk on the wild side podcast episode
Tim Horton

Rewilding a churchyard in Sandwich

A run down and overgrown medieval churchyard in Sandwich has been restored to a beautiful wildlife haven by a group of local volunteers who live locally and are part of the congregation at the church. In this amazing story, you'll hear from the people who brought this churchyard back to life and find out what they discovered when you peeled the ivy back from the tombstones.