
Cows “moove” into Scotney Castle

History has gone full circle with the return of grazing cattle to Scotney Castle. The mix of longhorns and Sussex cows have been welcomed to the historic landmark to create wilder, more biodiverse area.

Views sought on Pine Marten restoration project

• A collaboration of conservationists is examining the feasibility of a Pine Marten reintroduction to the South East. • People are being asked for their views on restoring the Pine Marten to the region. • In other areas the Pine Marten has been brought back from the brink of extinction after numbers fell dramatically in the 19th century, due to human activities. • They are said to boost biodiversity and help to influence small mammal populations. • The Pine Marten restoration project is developing a 10-year strategy with social and ecological feasibility studies beginning this year.

Conservationists “shocked” and “dismayed” at licensing decision that could impact seal population at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay

Conservationists “shocked” and “dismayed” at licensing decision that could impact seal population at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay Conservationists have expressed their shock and dismay after plans which will result in increased disturbance around protected marine wildlife at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay were approved by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).

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