Forest School

Students develop skills whilst increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world, encouraging respect for their environment and re-connection with nature.

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A wild education with Kent Wildlife Trust Forest School

Students develop skills whilst increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world, encouraging respect for their environment and re-connection with nature.

Kent Wildlife Trust have a dedicated Forest School woodland area at our Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve and can also offer Forest School at Tyland Barn in Maidstone. Tyland Barn is a smaller, more contained site and does not have true woodland, however we are still able to offer many of the same activities, including den building and fire lighting.  

For enquires about Forest School with Kent Wildlife Trust, including available dates and pricing, please email us.

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Children holding sticks with marshmallows on the fire at a forest school activity

Forest School for Groups

Information page

Kent Wildlife Trust offers long term Forest School programmes, as well as six-week Introduction to Forest School programmes and one-off experience sessions.

Adult with child kneeling on the grass and learning about wildlife at Nature Tots by Tim Horton

Nature Tots

Information page

Nature Tots is Forest School tailored specifically for little ones, and can inspire a love of nature that lasts a lifetime. It’s run by Forest School leaders and is a wonderful opportunity for children to explore, discover and learn from nature.

Child jumping on logs at forest school

Home Ed Forest School

Information page

Kent Wildlife Trust's Home Ed Forest School offers exciting opportunities for self-learning, exploration and discovery.

Children with their hands in the air and paint on their faces in a woodland
Helena Dolby

Wilder Birthday Parties

Information page

At Kent Wildlife Trust, we want to make your outdoor birthday celebrations extra special. That is why we have created two different party styles, and a variety of themes, to ensure there’s something for everyone!

We can't wait to hear from you

For more information contact our Forest School Leaders, today.

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Forest School is an educational approach that places nature at the core of learning, fostering a deep connection between children and the natural world. The ethos of Forest School is rooted in the belief that outdoor experiences provide a rich and holistic environment for children's development. It emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning in a woodland setting, encouraging curiosity, creativity, and resilience. 

The Forest School approach values child-led exploration, allowing youngsters to take risks and make choices, promoting self-esteem and independence. Through regular exposure to the natural environment, Forest School seeks to instil a sense of environmental stewardship, instigate a love for learning, and cultivate a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. By immersing children in the outdoor classroom, Forest School aims to nurture not only their academic abilities but also their emotional, social, and physical well-being. 

Forest School is for everyone. We have worked with all ages from nursery to pensioners. It is such a flexible process that it can be adapted for any age group or ability level. 

Ideally, a Forest School session is a full day so that learners have time to complete activities and explore their surroundings without feeling rushed. A school group day is usually 10.00 - 2.30. We also offer half-day sessions, which means we can work with 2 groups in one day.

All our sites, activities, tools and equipment are risk assessed and these can be provided. If we are delivering outreach sessions at your setting, we will need you to provide a site risk assessment.

We offer a range of woodland parties that will give your child a birthday experience to remember! Parties are set in one of our beautiful, ancient woodlands and can be tailored for any special occasion.

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