Forest School for Groups

Kent Wildlife Trust offers long term Forest School programmes, as well as six-week Introduction to Forest School programmes and one-off experience sessions.

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What is Forest School?

Forest School is an educational approach that places nature at the core of learning, fostering a deep connection between children and the natural world. The ethos of Forest School is rooted in the belief that outdoor experiences provide a rich and holistic environment for children's development. It emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning in a woodland setting, encouraging curiosity, creativity, and resilience.

The Forest School approach values child-led exploration, allowing youngsters to take risks and make choices, promoting self-esteem and independence. Through regular exposure to the natural environment, Forest School seeks to instil a sense of environmental stewardship, instigate a love for learning, and cultivate a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. By immersing children in the outdoor classroom, Forest School aims to nurture not only their academic abilities but also their emotional, social, and physical well-being.

Who is Forest School for?

Forest School is for everyone. We have worked with all ages from nursery to pensioners. It is such a flexible process that it can be adapted for any age group or ability level.

How long is a session?

Ideally, a Forest School session is a full day so that learners have time to complete activities and explore their surroundings without feeling rushed. A school group day is usually 10.00-14.30. We also offer half-day sessions, which allows us to work with two groups in one day.

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  • Improve self-esteem, confidence and resilience
  • Improve mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Help develop problem solving skills
  • Improve communication skills and teamwork
  • Encourage learning about the natural world
  • Develop respect for the environment and a connection with nature
  • Build learning capacity, encouraging creative and independent thought
  • Building fires and fire lighting
  • Shelter building
  • Tool use and wood crafts
  • Campfire cooking
  • Environmental art
  • Bug hunting
  • Species identification
  • Team building games
  • Plus much more…

If you are unable to come to us, we can bring Forest School to you. We bring our trained Forest School staff to your school, saving you transportation costs and staff time. Our teams plan and deliver bespoke outdoor programmes giving learners the opportunity to explore their own outdoor spaces whilst supporting their personal, social and educational development.

  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Art
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Problem Solving
  • Team work and Independent thinking

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