Solar powered sea slug

Elysia viridis

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


In an incredible ‘endosymbiotic’ relationship, this sea slug feeds on algae by slicing or puncturing its cells and is then able to ingest the algae’s chloroplasts unharmed, into its own body and carry out photosynthesis…hence the name, ‘solar powered sea slug!’
They live between 12-15 months and unusually for a sea slug, can survive in low salinity (low salt) waters.

How to identify

The solar powered sea slug can grow up to 5cm long and is usually a vivid green, brown or red colour. It looks similar to the sea hare, with floppy ‘rhinophores’ which look a bit like bunny ears, but the solar powered sea slug has distinctive chloroplasts visible on its wings, foot and head, which look like tiny turquoise twinkling stars. When it unfolds its ‘winged’ body, this sea slug forms into a beautiful green leaf, which helps it camouflage amongst the algae and evade predators.

Did you know?

This sea slug is usually a vivid green colour, but it can also be red or brown depending on the type of algae it eats!