Mauve stinger

Pelagia noctiluca

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


The mauve stinger is a small jellyfish, but it certainly packs a powerful punch, with long tentacles and warty structures on its ‘bell’ full of stinging cells. Small crustaceans known as amphipods hang out inside the ring of tentacles and are able to survive unharmed. The mauve stinger likes to feed on other small jellyfish and oceanic sea squirts, also known as ascidians.

How to identify

This jellyfish usually appears a bluey purple (mauve) colour with a globe shaped umbrella covered in orangey brown warts. Long, thin tentacles hang down from around the bell, reaching a maximum of 3 metres.

Did you know?

As its scientific name suggests, this jellyfish can glow brightly at night if disturbed!