Ballan wrasse

Labrus bergylta

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


The largest of the UK wrasse species, ballan wrasse have incredibly strong teeth which they use to pull molluscs and barnacles off the rocks, before extra teeth in their throats crush shells and finish the job. You will sometimes see this large fish surrounded by smaller rock cooks, who clean its parasites.

How to identify

These heavy-bodied fish reach a maximum length of 60cm.
Colouration and patterning are extremely variable in adults, ranging from mottled greens, browns and oranges to saddle-type markings. Juveniles are usually a bright emerald green colour throughout the body. Long, jagged, upright dorsal fin extends down towards the tail.

Did you know?

All ballan wrasse start off life as females but the most dominant fish will become males later on in life.