Spiny squat lobster

Galathea strigosa

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Squat lobsters look a bit like a cross between crabs and lobsters or a tiny lobster curled in half! They have a long, flattened body and a tail tucked up underneath. As with many other crustaceans, squat lobsters can use their tail as a paddle to escape backwards very quickly.

How to identify

This species is particularly vibrant, with a stunning red body, decorated with electric blue stripes across the body and around the eyes. Two long, chunky, red claws stick out in front, covered in thick brown hairs (spines).

Did you know?

This species is more likely to be found at night, when it leaves its rocky crevice to scavenge for food!

How people can help

Always follow the Seashore Code when rockpooling, taking care where you walk and making sure you put animals and rocks back gently.