Spiny lobster

Palinurus elephas

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


The spiny lobster is a crustacean, related to crabs and even barnacles. They lack the typical large pincers of Common lobsters and instead have 2 small hook-like claws. They live in crevices and caves amongst the rocks in shallow waters down to around 70m.

They get their name from the spines than cover their shell (carapace), though they are also known as crawfish, crayfish and rock lobster - depending where you are in the UK! They stay in their hidey-holes during the daytime and come out to feed at night. They are scavengers and will feast on whatever they can find, including crabs, worms, starfish and any dead animals.

How to identify

A large lobster, covered in spines but without the big claws of the common lobster. Orangey brown in colour with long antennae.

Did you know?

Spiny lobsters get pretty noisy during the breeding season, making a sort of "creak" noise by rubbing their antennae together to attract a mate!

How people can help

Research has shown that spiny lobster populations benefit from the designation of Marine Protected Areas. A number of Marine Conservation Zones have been designated in the South West of England to protect and recover spiny Lobster populations. We know that many lobsters will spillover into the surrounding non-protected area in search of new territories and food; giving a wider benefit and potentially supporting a small fishery if sustainably managed.