Zebra Spider
Jon Hawkins

Zebra spider

Salticus scenicus

Body length6-7mm


The zebra spider is a common jumping spider that stalks and leaps on its prey - it can jump up to 10cm, over 14 times its own body length! Look for it on walls, rocks and tree trunks in the sun, particularly in gardens and sometimes in houses. Males attract females through a complex courtship dance, moving around the females with their legs waving in the air. The females create a silk cocoon in which the eggs are protected, and guards the nest until the young hatch.

How to identify

The zebra spider is a small spider, with a relatively large body. It is so-named for its black-and-white stripy pattern. There are several very similar species of jumping spider in the UK, which can be hard to tell apart; as a group, however, they are very distinctive.