Scorpion Fly
Amy Lewis

Invertebrates in Kent

Have you spotted a slug, snail, fly, bee or other invertebrates that you'd like to identify? Our species explorer helps guide you through these complex species. Learn about them and how to identify them here!

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Adonis blue butterfly

Butterflies in Kent

Information page

Learn about all the amazing species of butterfly you can find in Kent using our species explorer.

Elephant Hawk-moth
Margaret Holland

Moths in Kent

Information page

What species of moth can you find in and around Kent? Check out our species explorer pages and learn how to identify these marvellous insects!

Erik Jørgensen

Bees and Wasps in Kent

Information page

Some of our most important pollinators! Learn about the many species of bees and wasps we have in Kent and how to identify them.

Southern Wood Ant
Southern Wood Ant ©Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION

Ants in Kent

Information page

Learn about ants in Kent and how to identify them using our handy species guides. You'll be surprised to learn how fascinating these species are!

Nursery Web Spider
David Longshaw

Spiders in Kent

Information page

What are some of the most common and lovable spiders in Kent? Get rid of your arachnophobia by learning about these amazing creatures and how to ID them in our handy species guides.

Broad Centurion
Laurence Livermore

Flies in Kent

Information page

Ever wondered about some of the species of fly buzzing around us? Here's your chance to learn about some of these creatures and how to identify them in Kent.

Brown-lipped Snail
Philip Precey

Slugs and Snails in Kent

Information page

Find out about some of the most common species of slugs and snails in Kent using our handy species guides!

Meadow Grasshopper
Chris Lawrence

Grasshoppers and Crickets in Kent

Information page

Discover a variety of grasshopper and cricket species that live in our county! Hard to see but if you do, our species guides will help you identify them!

Golden-ringed Dragonfly
Paul Blair

Dragonflies in Kent

Information page

Discover the most successful hunters in the UK, dragonflies. Use our handy species guides to learn about them and how to identify them.

Male Beautiful Demoiselle
Male Beautiful Demoiselle ©Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

Damselflies in Kent

Information page

Find and learn about the many wonderful species of damselflies in Kent using our handy species guides.

A shiny green and red rosemary beetle
Pete Richman

Beetles in Kent

Information page

Trying to identify a beetle in Kent? Learn about some of the most common types in our handy species explorer.

A hairy shieldbug standing on a grass head
Chris Lawrence

Bugs in Kent

Information page

From stink bugs and shieldbugs to pondskaters discover the world of small insects and how to identify them in our wonderful guide to common bugs in Kent.

White-legged Snake Millipede
White-legged Snake Millipede ©

Crustacea, Centipedes and Millipedes in Kent

Information page

Learn about Kent centipedes and millipedes and the ways you can help them thrive through our species and habitat guides.

Common Mayfly
Margaret Holland

Other Insects in Kent

Information page

Some of the insect species that you need to know about including caddisflies, lacewings, mayflies and silverfish. Learn about Kent's species and how to support them in our species explorer.