Stock dove

Columba oenas

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


The stock dove is a medium-sized pigeon that nests in holes in trees and in farm buildings. It is a common bird of woodland edges and parkland during the breeding season and can be seen in small flocks on farmland in winter. Unlike the woodpigeon, it is very rarely found in towns and gardens. It feeds on seeds, leaves, grains, fruit, peas and root crops.

How to identify

The stock dove is smaller than the similar-looking woodpigeon, and slimmer than the feral pigeon. Blue-grey, with a pink chest and an iridescent green patch on its neck, it does not have the white patches on the neck and wings that the woodpigeon has.

Did you know?

The stock dove will even nest in rabbit warrens. Years ago, in East Anglia, occupied rabbit holes were covered up with crossed sticks so that the parents could feed the chicks, but the chicks could not leave the nest. They were then taken for the pot when they were ready