Plant Identification in the Field

Date: -
Location: University of Kent, Canterbury Campus, Canterbury CT2 7NB
Suggested for: Adults
Price: The cost for this five-day course is £215 per person.
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Five days learning to identify and record wild plants in nature reserves in Kent.

About the event

We will be working in partnership with University of Kent to run a week-long botany course in 2025  Each day of this course a new site is visited and explored with the aim of identifying plants by using identification guides, keys, apps and by collecting specimens.  

It would be useful if you could bring your own wildflower books keys and hand lenses.  We recommend Francis Rose's Wild Flower Key, and Fitter, Fitter & Blamey's Wild Flowers of Britain & Ireland.

The classes are led by Alex Lockton, who has thirty years’ experience working as a lecturer in ecology at Birmingham University and Manchester Metropolitan University, as coordinator of the Botanical Society of the British Isles, and as an ecological consultant. He is author of The Flora and Vegetation of Shropshire (2015).

  • Parking


Examples of sites visited: Wye Downs, Stodmarsh, Hothfield, Denge Wood, Coastline

Please note that this is not  beginners' course.  Keys will be to used to identify specimens and botanical terms used.

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