Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.


Choosing and using binoculars

A lot of people contact us looking for advice on what binoculars they should buy. So we asked our excellent Biodiversity Information Officer, Paul Tinsley-Marshall, to give us his top 10 tips to ensure you get the perfect match.


Following the Fortunes of Butterflies

Carrying out a butterfly transect each week provides a wonderful opportunity to follow the fate of these beautiful insects throughout their flight period. Find out more about Butterfly Transects with Ian Blomfield, our Volunteer Butterfly Surveyor.

Wildlife Gardening

How to build a Minibeast Hotel

Your garden will play host to a variety of minibeasts and creepy crawlies - why not make it a 5* experience and build them a luxury hotel to stay in? By Vicky Aitkenhead, Nature Conservation Community Warden.