Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.


Surprising sea life found in the UK

It's not all about Kent. To celebrate this National Marine Week, we take a look at some of the many marine species all over the UK that surprise and delight us.

Nature Reserves

It's 'Blean' a whole year

We're celebrating one year of bison back in the UK. The global success of our bison reintroduction has been incredible so make sure to read about all the highlights we've had along the way.

Food and Farming

How to start a farmer cluster

Rory is Nature Recovery Manager at KWT and began his career with us facilitating the Upper Beult Farmer Cluster group. From a farming background himself, he believes in the huge potential of farmers working together to achieve nature recovery at scale, hand in hand with productive farming.

Nature Reserves

Glorious meadows

A summer meadow is a beautiful sight, but there’s so much more to it than gently waving grass heads and fabulous flowers.

Wilding Abandoned golf course Darenth valley - GrowUp Farms

Language is undeniably important

Paul Hadaway, Director of Conservation and Engagement discusses Goal 1 of the Wilder Kent 2030 strategy - Defend and Restore. He explains why language is crucial to conservation and how we may be entering a new era, one where The 'Wildlife Trust' name may no longer be fitting.