Members of the community group transition dover standing at a stall with foam hands promoting gardening

Nature Heroes - Transition Dover

Local community group Transition Dover have revived a previously neglected patch of land into a flourishing nature haven.

How are you taking action for nature in Kent? 

Since 2016, our volunteers have taken care of a patch of previously neglected land at the back of Morrisons supermarket, along Bridge Street in Dover.  


How are you doing it? 

We have aimed to introduce a variety of plants to provide a 'green corridor' habitat for wildlife, especially bees and other insects.  

What are you doing to inspire others to join you?

We promote our gardening and clear up events through social media posts and our e-newsletter, as well as at community events we attend. 


How can others take action too?

Anyone is welcome to join us, and no previous experience of volunteering or gardening is necessary. There are a variety of jobs that need doing throughout the year including litter picking the area, planting seeds, chopping down overgrown plants and clearing at the end of the growing season. We are a small, friendly group of volunteers and keen to welcome new members.  

What impacts have you seen so far?   

We have a large sign in the patch, highlighting that Transition Dover' are responsible for caring for the area - which has helped people in Dover to hear about us and recognise our work. We always get positive comments when we post pictures on our Facebook page, with residents complimenting us on the attractive flowers as well as appreciating what we are doing. In summer it is possible to see the plants alive with buzzing bees - we have not completed an insect survey, but this could be a useful task to measure what we find! 

What next?  

We will continue to care for the area, and try to recruit new volunteers from Dover to help us. We will be reseeding with native wildflower seeds in early Spring, hoping for a lovely display of wildflowers in Summer 2024! As a small group we don't have the capacity to take on other 'green corridor' areas, but are happy to share what we have learnt with other local groups who want to do something similar.   

For more information about Transition Dover, visit their Facebook page. 

Transition Dover | Facebook

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