Kiln Wood
Ancient woodland with a wide range of ground flora.
Most people in Kent live within a few miles of a Kent Wildlife Trust nature reserve. From ancient woodlands to meadows and wetlands, they’re just waiting to be explored.
Ancient woodland with a wide range of ground flora.
Sweeping downland slopes packed with wildlife on the outskirts of Dover.
An excellent example of an unimproved hay meadow. Designated as Kent's Coronation Meadow.
Created from an enormous arable field in 2009, this nature reserve is building an impressive species list as it matures into a vital part of the Medway smile living landscape.
Located next to an industrial estate on the outskirts of Dover, it is hard to believe a nature reserve is there when driving through the estate.
Oare Marshes is an international importance for migratory, overwintering and breeding wetland birds, the reserve consists of grazing marsh (one of a few left in Kent).
A meadow and low-lying bog.
Old Park Hill has a range of habitats but needs to be managed and restored to return it to its early 20th century character, when most of the site would have been open chalk land.