Wild liquorice

Astragalus glycyphyllos

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Wild liquorice is a member of the pea family, often found in woodlands, scrub and grasslands on chalky soils. It is a sprawling perennial that can grow quite tall. It displays clusters of tubular, creamy flowers from June to August, and produces familiar-looking peapods later on.

How to identify

Wild liquorice is a straggly plant, with oval leaflets (up to 15). Its flowers are creamy-white or slightly green, and take the typical five-petalled pea -or vetch-type form; they gather in dense clusters. Long, inflated peapods follow the flowers.

Did you know?

The liquorice that we eat as a sweet comes from the root of a different plant, so don't try to pick or dig up wild liquorice!