Red valerian

Centranthus ruber

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


The dense clusters of deep pink, almost crimson flowers, of red valerian are unmistakeable as they grow out on tall stems from old stone walls, roadside verges, railway cuttings, cliffs and rocks. Introduced into gardens before the 1600s, this plant from the Mediterranean soon escaped and became naturalised in the wild. Despite its non-native status, it is a good source of nectar from May to October for bees, butterflies and moths like the Hummingbird hawk-moth.

How to identify

Opposite pairs of pale green, oval leaves appear along the upright stems of red valerian. At the ends of the stems, dense clusters of tiny, pink, red or even white flowers bloom in an almost cylindrical.

Did you know?

Red valerian is an ideal garden plant, flowering for a long period and attracting all kinds of insects. It likes well-drained soils and can grow on walls and rocks; it self-seeds easily and can look very pretty when left to naturalise in wilder areas of the garden.