Lesser stitchwort

Stellaria graminea

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Lesser stitchwort is a creeping perennial that forms low clumps among the grasses on neutral and acid soils. It can be found in open woodland, on meadows and heathland, and along hedgerows and roadsides. From May to September, it bears small, white flowers.

How to identify

Lesser stitchwort has five white petals, each deeply notched and almost divided into two; they alternate with long, green sepals. Its grass-like leaves are unstalked and narrow. The similar Greater stitchwort has larger flowers (2-3cm across) than Lesser stitchwort (0.5-1cm across).

Did you know?

The flower of lesser stitchwort is only open for three days, but new ones are produced throughout the summer, until the beginning of September.

The Wildlife Trusts look after many meadow habitats using traditional methods, such as hay-cutting, reseeding and grazing, for the benefit of local wildlife. We are also working closely with farmers and landowners to promote wildlife-friendly practices in these areas.