Lesser spearwort

Ranunculus flammula

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Lesser spearwort is a common, hairless perennial of fresh water, such as the edges of ponds, lakes and streams, and in marshes, water meadows and bogs. A member of the buttercup family, it displays the familiar sunshine-yellow flowers that define this group. However, its leaves are undivided and spear-like, hence its name, 'Spearwort'. It has distinctive, scrambling red-tinged stems that can root at leaf junctions.

How to identify

Lesser spearwort grows upright, but can be low and spreading. It has distinctive, red-tinged stems and shiny, pale yellow flowers that are half the size of those of Greater Spearwort. Unlike other buttercups, the leaves are undivided, spear-shaped and slightly toothed.

Did you know?

The sap of the Lesser spearwort is bitter and acrid and, if touched, will easily cause blisters.

How people can help

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