Kidney vetch

Anthyllis vulneraria


Kidney vetch is easily recognisable as clusters of small, yellow flowers sitting atop little woolly cushions. It is a distinctive feature of sand dunes, chalk grassland and cliffs across the UK. Flowering from June to September, this spreading plant can cover bare ground in the right conditions.

How to identify

Kidney vetch has round clusters of small flowers that are mainly yellow, but can also be orange and red. Each flower has its own hairy calyx (containing the sepals), giving the flower cluster its woolly appearance. The leaves of Kidney vetch are divided into narrow leaflets that are silky and white underneath.

Did you know?

Also known as 'woundwort', kidney vetch was used by traditional herbalists to relieve swelling and heal wounds, and to treat stomach and, unsurprisingly, kidney problems.

The Wildlife Trusts manage many grassland and coastal habitats sympathetically for the benefit of all kinds of wildlife. Careful grazing with traditional breeds, hay-cutting at the right time and scrub clearance are just some of the ways these habitats are kept in good condition.