Hare's-foot clover

Trifolium arvense


Hare's-foot clover is a widespread plant of dry grasslands and sandy soils, inland and at the coast. The pale pink flowers appear from June until September and are covered in soft hairs, giving it the downy look of a Hare's or Rabbit's paw, hence the common name.

How to identify

Like other clovers, Hare's-foot clover has trefoil leaves, but with relatively narrow leaflets. The pale pink flowers are borne in oval heads. The hair that covers the flowers is a distinguishing feature of this clover.

Did you know?

There are around 30 native or naturalised clover species occurring in the UK, many of which provide nectar for butterflies and foodplants for their larvae.

How people can help

The Wildlife Trusts manage many grassland and coastal habitats sympathetically for the benefit of all kinds of wildlife. Careful grazing with traditional breeds, hay-cutting at the right time and scrub clearance are just some of the ways these habitats are kept in good condition. By volunteering for your local Trust you can help too, and you'll make new friends and learn new skills along the way.