Germander speedwell

Veronica chamaedrys

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Considered a good luck charm for travellers, the bright blue flowers of Germander speedwell are meant to 'speed' you on your way. This reputation may well have come about because of its habit of forming large clumps in hedgerows, roadside verges and grassy lanes; it can also be found on grasslands and in open woodlands. The flowers appear from April to June.

How to identify

Germander speedwell a low-growing plant and one of a number of different speedwells. It has upright spikes of bright blue flowers with four petals and a white middle (giving it other common names such as 'Bird's Eye' and 'Cat's Eye'). It has two rows of long white hairs on opposite sites of its stems, unlike the rarer Wood Speedwell, which is hairy all round the stem.

Did you know?

Germander speedwell is an excellent nectar source for solitary bees and can be grown in the garden. Its blue flowers look very pretty when carpeting a flowery meadow; keep the grass short in early spring to allow it to grow through, then raise the cutting level of your mower later on.

How people can help

The Wildlife Trusts work closely with farmers and landowners to ensure that our wildlife is protected and to promote wildlife-friendly practices. By working together, we can create Living Landscapes: networks of habitats stretching across town and country that allow wildlife to move about freely and people to enjoy the benefits of nature. Support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.