Creeping jenny

Lysimachia nummularia

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Bell-shaped, yellow flowers and heart-shaped leaves are the defining characteristics of creeping jenny - a low-growing perennial that creeps through damp grasslands, pond margins, riverbanks and wet woodlands. It flowers from May to August and is most prevalent in the south of the UK. A popular garden plant, creeping jenny is good for pond margins and bog gardens, preferring shade to full sun.

How to identify

Creeping jenny has sunshine-yellow, cup-like flowers that are borne on stalks branching out from the main stem. Its heart-shaped or rounded leaves appear in opposite pairs up the length of the stem.

Did you know?

Creeping jenny can be distinguished from its close relative, yellow pimpernel, by its much rounder leaves and more robust flowers. The flowers of yellow pimpernel are star-like.