Whiskered bat

Myotis mystacinus

  • Where it lives:

  • Native species


The whiskered bat is a small bat that is very similar to the Brandt's bat; in fact, these two species were only separated in 1970. All UK bats are nocturnal, feeding on midges, moths and other flying insects that they find in the dark by using echolocation. Whiskered bats frequently forage along a familiar route like a hedgerow or woodland edge. They roost in all kinds of houses and may use bat boxes. During the summer, females form maternity colonies and have just a single pup. Whiskered bats hibernate in caves and tunnels over winter.

How to identify

The whiskered bat is small, with shaggy, golden-tipped, dark grey or brown fur, and a grey belly. Its flight is fast and fluttering. It is very similar in appearance to the Brandt's bat, but is slightly smaller.

Did you know?

Like other bats, the whiskered bat mates over autumn and winter, and the female gives birth to a single young pup in early summer. The pup will stay with its mother until it is fully weaned and able to fly and forage on its own.