Water shrew

Neomys fodiens

  • Where it lives:

  • Native species


The water shrew is our largest shrew. As the name suggests, it lives almost entirely in wetland habitats, such as streams, ponds, fens and reedbeds. It spends much of its time hunting for invertebrates and even swimming underwater to catch caddisfly and mayfly larvae. Although it doesn't have webbed feet, stiff hairs on its back feet and tail aid swimming. Water shrews live in small burrows in the banks of their watery habitats. They breed throughout summer, producing three to fifteen young per litter.

How to identify

The water shrew is a large shrew, with a silky, dark grey or black back and white underside. It has large hind feet and is the only shrew that is likely to be seen in the water.

Did you know?

The water shrew is quite unusual among mammals because it has a venomous bite. The poison in its saliva is strong enough to immobilise frogs and small fish. It can tackle prey up to 60 times heavier than itself, including newts, frogs, crustaceans and snails.