Natterer's bat

Myotis nattereri

  • Where it lives:

  • Native species


The Natterer's bat is a medium-sized bat. All UK bats are nocturnal, feeding on midges, moths and other flying insects that they find in the dark by using echolocation. Natterer's bats also forage on beetles and spiders that they take directly from foliage. Their flight is relatively slow and they can be found hunting over water and among the trees after sunset. They roost in old buildings like churches and castles, but rarely in houses. During summer, the females form maternity colonies and have a single pup. Natterer's bats hibernate over the winter in caves, disused mines and rock crevices.

How to identify

The Natterer's bat is a medium-sized bat, with fairly long ears and a bare, pink face. Its fur is light brownish-grey on its back and pale on its belly. There is a row of stiff hairs on the edge of its tail membrane.

Did you know?

Natterer's bats will hibernate in small rock crevices, squeezing themselves into odd positions, including lying on their backs or sides, or even on their heads! They tend to hibernate alone or in small groups.