House mouse
© Wildstock

House mouse

Mus musculus

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species
  • Invasive species
Lifespan1 year

The tiny, grey-brown house mouse is one of our most successful mammals. It thrives around buildings but is less likely to be found in our houses these days due to better construction.


As its name suggests, the house mouse thrives wherever there are people, particularly in farm buildings, warehouses, sheds and garages, although it is no longer a common resident of our homes. It eats grains, seeds, roots, fungi and insects. House mice construct a series of tunnels to live in. Females can have up to 10 litters a year of four to eight young.

How to identify

The house mouse is grey-brown, with large ears, a pointed snout and long, scaly tail. The similar wood mouse is browner and has larger ears and eyes relative to its size.

Did you know?

The house mouse is the ancestor of the domestic mouse, which has been bred as a pet and a laboratory subject.