Chinese water deer

Hydropotes inermis

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


As its name suggests this unusual deer is not a native UK species, having been introduced from China in the nineteenth century. It favours wet, marshy habitat and is a strong swimmer.

How to identify

Chinese water deer are a ginger/brown colour and lack the white rump seen in other species. They are larger than a muntjac but slightly smaller than a roe deer. Their large fluffy ears and small black nose give them a teddy bear like appearance. The males possess some rather threatening looking tusks in place of canine teeth, which are used for displaying and rutting with other males in the breeding season.

Did you know?

Chinese water deer have been studied extensively at Woodwalton Fen NNR since the 1970s by local deer expert Arnold Cooke. He has witnessed and recorded behaviour which was previously unknown, including an insight into their browsing habits which has revealed a great love of common comfrey!