Forming partially buried little crowns in the ground, the cedar cup spends most of its time concealed as a sphere below ground, before bursting through the soil to reveal its star like rays.
How to identify
Although you're unlikely to mistake this for anything else, there are a couple of potential lookalikes of a similar ilk, though this is considerably larger. This thin fleshed fungus has a dark brown outer surface covered in very fine hairs, with the inside displaying a lovely pale cream colour. As it matures, the rim splits into a number of rays (between 5 and 8) to create a crown like effect. Most significantly, this grows almost exclusively with cedar, so if that's what you happen to be stood beneath whilst staring at these, then you've got yourself a cedar cup!
Did you know?
This particular fungus is an 'Ascomycete', meaning it shoots its spores out from the inside surface. You can sometimes visibly see this if you puff on a sheltered fruitbody. It will look as though the cup is smoking!