Parsley fern

Cryptogramma crispa
  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Parsley fern is a medium-sized, bushy fern of rocky places on hillsides and slopes in the uplands. It is widespread, but generally quite scarce, apart from in Snowdonia and the Lake District.

How to identify

Parsley fern has pale green fronds that form clustered tufts. It grows two different kinds of leaves: the spore-producing, fertile fronds, which have narrow, oval leaf sections; and the sterile fronds, which look just like Parsley.

Did you know?

Globally, there are about 12,000 species of fern which, unlike mosses, are vascular plants so have special tissues to carry nutrients and fluids. However, they are similar to mosses in the way they reproduce using spores.

How people can help

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