
Anas clypeata

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


A common dabbling duck, particularly during the winter, shovelers feed by sweeping their large, flat bills back and forth through the water, filtering out small invertebrates, plant seeds and other plant matter.

How to identify

The shoveler lives up to its name - it can be distinguished by its long, broad 'shovel' of a bill. The male has a dark green head, white breast and orangey-brown sides during the breeding season. Females are mottled brown, but have a pale blue forewing.

Did you know?

As with many duck species, male (or 'drake') shovelers moult their colourful feathers when the breeding season is over, and go into 'eclipse' plumage - a mottled brown, just like the female (or 'hen'). This helps to camouflage them from predators.