
Oenanthe oenanthe


A robin-sized chat, the wheatear is a summer visitor, arriving here in early March and leaving in September for its African wintering grounds. It frequents open, rocky country, pasture, moorland and heath. Mainly a ground-dwelling bird, it can be seen running or hopping along. It breeds mainly in western and northern UK.

How to identify

The wheatear has a characteristic tail pattern: a black 'T' on a white rump, which can be seen when it is in flight. Males are smart-looking birds, with blue-grey backs and heads, black wings, black cheeks with white eyestripes, and pale orange chests. Females are browner and juveniles speckled.

Did you know?

The name wheatear is derived from the Old English for 'white' (wheat) and 'arse' (ear), referring to their white rump of course!