Black-necked grebe

Podiceps nigricollis

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Grebes are diving waterbirds, feeding on small fish and aquatic invertebrates. The black-necked grebe is a small grebe, about the same size as a moorhen. A rare breeding bird, it is also uncommon in winter.

How to identify

In the summer, the black-necked grebe can be distinguished from the Slavonian grebe by the smaller yellow ear tufts and the black (not red) neck. It looks very similar in its winter plumage, but is a bit darker, has a slightly up-turned bill and a steep forehead.

Did you know?

The black-necked grebe nests at the water's edge because it cannot walk very well - its legs are set quite far back along its body. black-necked grebes are also almost flightless for around nine months of the year, which is much longer than any other flying bird. They do, however, undertake immense migrations to their breeding grounds.