Hooded crow

Corvus cornix

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


Once thought to be the same species, the hooded crow replaces the carrion crow in northern and western Scotland, the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland. In areas where the two species overlap, hybridisation can occur, with individuals showing mixed plumage. Like carrion crows, hooded crows feed on dead animals, invertebrates and grain, as well as stealing eggs from other birds' nests. They are more sociable than carrion crows, and may be seen feeding in groups. Breeding populations are joined by winter visitors from Scandinavia.

How to identify

The hooded crow is an unmistakeable crow. It is grey, with a black head, tail and wings.

Did you know?

Like carrion crows, 'hoodies' are adaptable and clever birds; in Finland, they have been seen to reel in fishing lines that have been left in holes in the ice to obtain fish.