Climate Emergency

The decision to declare a climate emergency both at national and local government level is encouraging, but we must take action.

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Why are we facing a climate emergency?

Wildlife is in crisis. We continue to lose our most precious remnants of wild natural space and vast numbers of our insects and birds. Our existing laws are too weak and the climate and ecological crisis we face is not being taken seriously enough. We need ambitious natural climate solutions that reduce and capture carbon, stop ecosystem destruction and make our towns and cities cleaner and greener.

What are we calling for?

  • We must come together to restore our habitats on a landscape scale and bring our seas back to life if wildlife is to thrive again. The damage must stop and the tables must be turned.
  • It’s time to accelerate action on the climate crisis including through restoring our natural world, not least our peatlands.
  • It is not acceptable to be building massive motorways for carbon-hungry cars, destructive High-Speed lines or bigger airports across ancient woods and other vital habitats.
  • It’s time for new laws that will truly give nature and people a safe and healthy future.

What we are doing

Here in Kent, we are working to protect and restore habitats through our #WilderKent vision.

Our #WilderKent vision calls for a Nature Recovery Network in law. This would stop the damage and expand and re-connect isolated habitats and species. Rather than just protecting small areas of land, this would enable wildlife to recover and thrive. We need a world-leading legislation for nature’s recovery.

We want to take conservation to the next level and stop common plants and animals becoming rare. By wilding, working together, bringing back species, and speaking up for nature. By working with YOU.

How you can help

You can call on your MP to support a Nature Recovery Network! Join our #WilderKent campaign and write to your MP using our simple instructions and letter template here

What is our position on the climate strike?

The Wildlife Trusts fully support people across the UK who feel compelled to demonstrate their concern. We face heartbreak daily as we see the wildlife we love lost time and time again. As a movement, The Wildlife Trusts stand united with all those who share our belief that nature is valuable in its own right as well as being essential to our existence.

Wilder woodlands and grasslands illustration Katy McCarten

Join us in creating a #WilderKent

We can't do it without you.

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We have over 65 nature reserves and sites across Kent for you to explore and discover the local wildlife you love. Our members contributions are vital in our work to protect, maintain and develop these.

Volunteer brush cutting the scrape


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