
Press release Butterfly - Jon Hawkins

£8 million raised in 6 months for The Wildlife Trusts’ nature recovery plans

The Wildlife Trusts have raised almost £8 million just six months after launching their 30 by 30 ambition to kickstart nature’s recovery across 30% of land by 2030. Funds will buy land to provide new homes for wildlife and allow nature to thrive in increasing abundance across wilder, joined-up places. The plan is to reverse decades of steep wildlife declines and threats to the natural world.

Mosaic Plaques on the Move from all areas of the Fifth Continent

85 years after a plaque was unveiled to Reverend Richard Harris Barnham at a memorial service in the Guildhall, Canterbury, the Fifth Continent Steering Group celebrate the links between the clergyman, Romney Marsh and a new Heritage Lottery Funded project at a Fifth Continent Scheme ‘half-way’ event at Romney Marsh Visitor Centre.

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