How does a bison cross the road?
Plans to connect 200 hectares for bison approved by Canterbury Council
Plans to connect 200 hectares for bison approved by Canterbury Council
Many of our social media followers have messaged us about an article published by the Mail Online on 30th April, with the headline: “Could rewilding animals turn Britain into a modern day JURASSIC PARK?”
The Wilder Blean project is seeking to recruit two bison and conservation grazing rangers at an ancient woodland near Canterbury, Kent UK.
Exmoor ponies, Iron-age pigs and Long-horn cattle are roaming alongside wild bison following their release into woodland in Canterbury.
A bison ranger has captured stunning photos of the UK’s first free roaming bison calf as she approaches 6 months in age.
The reintroduction of beavers and the red-billed chough will be discussed in Westminster as Chief Executive Officer for Kent Wildlife Trust, Evan Bowen-Jones gives evidence to MPs at a Species Reintroduction Committee Enquiry on behalf of The Wildlife Trusts.
The city of Canterbury has been highlighted as one of the top 10 places in Britain to drive positive change in 2022.
The Wilder Blean bison family is complete as bull from Germany finally meets the herd, just in time for Christmas