Brand-new pond dipping platforms at Tyland Barn open to the public!

Kent Wildlife Trust are delighted to showcase new pond dipping platforms at Tyland Barn Nature Park, the charity’s headquarters in Maidstone, Kent.

The new platforms, which were made possible thanks to generous funding of £48,073 from Biffa Award and support from hundreds of members of the local community, were officially opened to the public yesterday at a celebratory event attended by staff, volunteers, funders and local children. 

The pond is an integral part of Tyland Barn Nature Park, providing an aquatic habitat for numerous species including frogs, newts and several species of dragonfly. The new platforms replace much-loved pond dipping platforms that have been enjoyed for many years by schools, groups and families for pond dipping: using small nets to look for the species that thrive in this pond then returning them safely to the water. Giving children the opportunity to safely examine this wildlife up-close is an invaluable part of their education, and being able to host these sessions outdoors contributes to their wellbeing. 

Pond-dipping at Tyland Barn

Lee Mason-Baldwin, Head of Education and Lifelong Learning at Kent Wildlife Trust: 

“We want to say a huge thank you to the local residents, schools, nurseries, community groups, volunteers and families that wrote letters and answered our survey in support of new pond dipping platforms. Ultimately, this public support strengthened our funding application and made this project possible. We really could not have done it without you, and we hope you will visit us soon to try out the new platforms.  

“We hope to see you all soon for a dip!” 

Caroline Hogben, Business Development Manager on behalf of Biffa Award: 

“What a wonderful location and how amazing do the platforms look? Anything like this for children is amazing, getting them outside and back in the open air environment after Covid, and I am glad that we have been able to support this. Biffa really likes to put money where it is needed, especially to help children.” 

Rachel Maidment, Biffa Award Grants Manager: 

“Biffa Award is delighted to be able to support Kent Wildlife Trust with the installation of new pond dipping platforms and boardwalk at Tyland Barn. The new nature-inspired area will complement the natural environment and increase the area where educational pond-dipping activities can be undertaken for a wide range of visitors to the site.” 

Representatives of the Cobtree Charity Trust: 

“We are delighted to be able to help Kent Wildlife Trust with £1000. This is magnificent – this is what Sir Garrard Tyrwhitt-Drake [Founder of the Cobtree Charity Trust] would have wanted all those years ago. This is it in action.” 

Children pond dipping at Tyland Barn