Charity appeal to purchase Sevenoaks wildlife haven is off to a flying start


Kent Wildlife Trust says they are delighted that an appeal to Protect Polhill has gotten off to a flying start, raising thousands within a few hours of its launch, and reaching 10% of its overall target. 

The charity is attempting to raise £195,000 to purchase the site in Polhill after a generous donor agreed to triple match the first £84,000 of the £252,000 needed. 

The acquisition is for a 26-acre site - which is about the same size as 416 tennis courts). It has been previously managed as a commercial farm and if the trust’s appeal is successful the conservation charity aims to transform it into a biodiverse chalk downland. With the right management the area could become a thriving nature habitat and give the wildlife at nearby Polhill Bank Nature Reserve,  purchased via a successful appeal in 2019, more space. 

Chalk downland is important for wildlife; it is an incredibly biodiverse ecosystem which supports a wide variety of plants and animals. It is also rare and fragile, requiring careful management. Kent Wildlife Trust has years of experience in restoring these chalk grasslands and hopes to transform the Polhill site from arable farmed land to a haven for nature with ponds, meadows, and wildflowers. 

The fruits of the charity's labour are already clear to see, just a stone's throw away at the neighbouring Polhill Bank. In just a few years since Kent Wildlife Trust acquired the 40-acre site, nature is thriving with insects drawn to the pyramid orchids and wildflowers, the yellowhammer bird attracted by the insects and the common lizards seeking refuge in the wildlife ponds. 

If the Polhill acquisition is successful, these precious species will have a further 26 acres to grow, bringing a much-needed biodiversity boost at a time of nature crisis. The money raised will not only go towards the cost of the site but also, sowing seeds, livestock management, tree safety and ash die-back mitigation. It is hoped that surveys and studies will be carried out to help other organisations learn from the restoration efforts. 

Alison Ruyter

Area Manager Alison Ruyter said: “We are delighted that so many people have already supported this appeal and would like to thank each person who has already contributed.  

“We know that nature is in crisis and the connectivity of our landscapes is a huge hurdle for wildlife. Through Kent Wildlife Trust’s 2030 Strategy, we aim to protect 30% of the county's land and sea, but we cannot do this alone, and our supporters hold the key to helping both nature and people thrive. 

“By donating to this appeal, you are investing in nature and safeguarding this precious wildlife haven for future generations to come. A donation to Protect Polhill leaves a legacy for our children, protecting green spaces so they can have a future and a landscape that can sustain us.” 

Comments of support have also been flooding in from doners with many reinforcing their donations with positive messages including: 

  • “I want to protect our precious local habitats - once gone they are lost forever!” 

  • “Protecting areas like this is so important for nature. I really hope that your fundraiser is successful.” 

  • “Amazing opportunity to create more habitat for nature.” 

  • “Good luck with this project - a very worthwhile cause” 

  • “A worthy and wonderful extension to reserves in Kent.” 

  • “Great work. I really hope you get the chance to expand on it and just keep going.” 

  • “What a fantastic opportunity to actually get land to help nature for a change! Too much land is being taken away from it!” 

Nature needs you! 

Protect Polhill and donate to the appeal today.