Quarry Wood

Tranquil ancient mixed woodland with a stream and ponds.

Opening times: Open at all times
Best time to visit: April to July

  • Dog walking

  • No facilities

Size: 26 hectares.

Walking trails: Please keep to the marked route around the reserve. You can access the woods from the near by bridleway and footpaths.

Dogs: On a lead.

Not Wheelchair accessible. There are stiles and slopes. the paths are on rough ground, unsurfaced, uneven and of various gradients. Paths are slippery and muddy when wet.

About the reserve

Much of the reserve is Sweet Chestnut coppice. The north side of the reserve has mature oak and beech and between here and the old ragstone quarry - ash and sycamore can be found in the long damp valley. There is a small area of conifers in the centre of the reserve in what was once a hop garden. The sides of the stream at the bottom of the valley are covered in plants such as golden saxifrage, cuckooflower, red campion and a large colony of ramsons. The valley slopes are covered with dog's mercury, early-purple orchid, twayblade and the occasional common spotted-orchid.

Contact Us

If you need to get in touch regarding Quarry Wood, for any reason, please contact:

Matt Hayes

Contact number: 01622 662012
Contact email: info@kentwildlife.org.uk 

Environmental designation

  • Local Wildlife Site (LWS)
  • Regionally Important Geological Site (RIGS)