Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Nature Reserves Heather Corrie Vale, pond and sunset

Heather Corrie Vale: One year on

With input from Simon Bateman-Brown, Head of Land Management, and Evan Bowen-Jones, Chief Executive of Kent Wildlife Trust, we explore the conservation work we have done at Heather Corrie Vale since attaining validation against the Wilder Carbon Standard, by Soil Association Certification.

Poisonous plants & grazing animals' natural instincts

In Kent, our grazing animals roam the reserves using their instincts and experience to guide them towards delicious nutritious vegetation and away from potentially toxic plants. This deep-rooted wisdom is a product of evolution and survival instincts passed down from generation to generation but particularly prevalent in the old-fashioned breeds that we use.

Talk on the Wild Side

Conservation Management at Scotney Castle and Gardens

Join Rob Smith as he walks around Scotney Castle and Gardens learning how the team here are managing the land for nature whilst welcoming 180,000 visitors a year. Scotney manages 788 acres of land with 30 acres just dedicated to formal gardens and 300 acres designated as a SSSI.

Wilding A group of brown iron-age brown pigs among wildflower in West Blean

Pigs and wildflower meadows

The value of pigs in restoring woodlands is being increasingly recognised. For instance, pigs break up dense mats of pine needles to get new seedlings.